Generas Corporate

Udumbara is a Sanskrit word, the ancient Indian language. It means "a flower of good omen from Heaven" and tradition tells that it is born every three thousand years...

Udumbara is a line of business of Generas Corporate Holding Società Benefit that wants to develop products or services that make people’s lives and our planet better. We deeply feel the duty to do our part with responsibility by offering the market "new oxygen" and new visions.

We try to accompany innovative startups to find concrete outlets on the international market by making available to them our knowledge, our professionals and our capital even in the "early stage" phases.

Udumbara doesn’t want to be just a project, but a space in which ideas meet and contaminate each otherwhere it is possible to share insights and strategies to realize them.

We want to offer impactful solutions that stimulated changes in society, changes that produce hope and positivity. Please, stay tuned to yourself.. you have a power, the power to generate!

Progetti in cui abbiamo creduto